Sunday, October 12, 2008

Sunday October 12,2008 Nothin "Butt" Fun Cookteam made a presentation to

Bill Battle from the Disaster Relief Team for $1,500. Along with Bill are Joe Jordan,

Gary Rannigan, Steve Ivey, Kristen Ivey, Jerry Sadler, Laura Joyner & Miranda Joyner.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Welcome to the 2008 Franklin Fall Festival

We were so excited about the festival...We SOLD OUT of BBQ...Awesome job to everyone...I would like to personally thank everyone..You guys worked your BUTTS off no pun intended..
It is always a lot of fun, so the hard work part seems such a small thing..We had beautiful weather and lots of repeat customers standing in long lines to get the best Q in town and to support one of our favorite causes... Where would we be without the Disaster Relief Team.. Thank you for all you do! We can't go where you go, but we can surely help you get there...

Lynn making sure everything is just soooooo perfect...

Nice looking booth team

Disaster Relief our Mission for the Festival

Members of The Disaster Relief Team show off their equipment trailer at the Fair

The Gangs all here

Drew, Jacob, Jerry,Joe , Joe, Steve,Gary,Lynn, Laura, Pam,Jason ... hey guys were is Brandon & Kristen

Pumpkins, Cotton , Peanuts & More

Decorating the tent always must have our flag

Steve, Jason & Jerry... Chop, Grind & MIx

Had to bring along the bragging rights....