Our competition cook team is one thing, but we also have a team who regularly come out to our
fundraisers and church functions who work their "butts" off to do God's work. We are so blessed that they are Godly people who have the same vision that we have. They have been known to work sick, skip work, work in extremely cold or hot condtions, stay up all night long cooking, leave their families for days just to help someone else, pay out of their own pockets tranportations and lodging fees and do anything asked of them. I am truly sincere in saying that we could not do this with out your help.. Many thanks go to Joe & Esther Poe, Billy & Kathy Brinkley, Faye & Ray Johnson, Joe Jordan, Scott Deter, Drew & Shannon Lucas, Laura & Glen Joyner, Edwin & Bobbi Joyner, Brandon & Kristen Ivey, Jason Brinkley, Betty & Justin Bailey, Ricky & Kristi Vaughan, Ann Edwards, Jerry & Pam Sadler, Steve & Lynn Ivey.. If I have missed your name please know that it was only by error, God knows who you are and we are so thankful for you all. There are also those who help us out behind the scenes with your love and support, your financial support to our causes and the many hours your loved ones are away from you ...We love and appreciate all you do...Our cook team would be nothing without you all!!!